阿巴拉契亚文化中心通过促进和庆祝阿巴拉契亚文化为hg皇冠老牌网站和更广泛的社区服务. The mission is accomplished through the presentation of exhibits and programs for students and the larger community that are related to promoting the history and culture of the region; the preservation and appreciation of traditional and contemporary Appalachian arts, 文学, and music; the promotion of academic research; and the development of environmental and community stewardship.
在阿巴拉契亚文化中心,我们有一个愿景. 我们梦想在我们的校园里建立一个作家的地方, 艺术家, 以及阿巴拉契亚的学者们——这是一个专门为那些致力于保护阿巴拉契亚遗产以支持他们工作的人设立的空间. 作为回报,我们要求他们通过阅读与我们的大学和社区分享他们的工作, 显示, 还有教学机会. 让阿巴拉契亚离我们更近,这样我们就能赋予它生命.